This week we finished these awesome prints and wanted to share them with you. I keep seeing tutorials for them all over the web and could not wait to try it myself.
They are giant size prints (2×3) that cost me about $25 total for both of them.
First I went to and ordered the ENGINEER PRINT from their online printing services tab. It is only available in black and white – but it still looks awesome! I am sure that you could get these from other offices places or local copy places as well, but Office Max was super easy and convenient for me. It was available the next day for pickup at my local store and it cost me $4.25 for each print.
Then I went to Home Depot and bought a Foam Insulation sheet. I believe it was about 4X8, and I had to have them cut it in half to fit in my car, which they were happy to oblige. It cost me $19.00.
I also used Spray Adhesive, which I already had on hand, but I believe it is costs about $4.00 for a can of it.
And lastly you will need some black acryllic/craft paint for the sides of the foam. A bottle of it cost me $1.00
First, I cut the foam to fit the photo.
On my daughter’s photo I sprayed the adhesive on the photo first, attached it to the foam and then cut around the foam.
It doesn’t matter, which ever way you prefer to do it.
Then I used a rolling pin to smooth it out.
Then I painted the edges with the craft paint.
And that’s it! Easy peasy!! The kids love them and I will definitely be making more!