If you are like me, I try to reuse everything I possibly can, and this includes food.  I have tried several times to master the “re-grow” your celery.  I have not had a single one grow past the re-potting stage, though. 🙁  I am still working on it, so you may see a post in the near future.  I have re-grow plants, and of course, repurposed a ton of cans, bottles and boxes.  But by far the best and quickest one to date is the green onion.  It is one of those almost , instant gratification, regrows.
I had these green beauties leftover from a bag I had from awhile ago.
It was found in the back of the fridge…bad mom!
So, rather than add them to the compost, I cut the slimy green ends off.
Then I just plopped them in a jar.
You can see another green onion growing in the background.
It started exactly the same way, and look how high it is.
When you need some fresh onions, just snip off the tops with some kitchen shears.
You can also freeze the snippets.


The photo below is only about 36 hrs later.  They grow faster than you will believe.