VEGAN Hawaiian Haystacks

This is my hubbies absolute favorite meal.  Making them vegan only took a few tweaks.  This turned out even better than the original, we had just a few years ago which is made with “cream of” soup and “all day slow cooked” chicken.  Hubs had three helpings. 😉  

The kids love it when they can pick and choose what to put on their “haystack.”  With the addition of this new cheezy sauce, this almost RAW meal is much better for you than the old stand by and a lot faster.  The rice was previously cooked, so I just had to chop up some veggies, while my little chef made the sauce and from start to finish we were eating in under 30 minutes.  You must try these haystacks!!!

Hawaiian Haystacks

Cooked Brown Rice
Your choice of toppings like:
Green/Red Peppers
Green Onions
Slivered Almonds
Chow Mein Noodles
Shredded Coconut

Cheezy Sauce
1 ½ C. Cashews, raw, unsalted
½ -1 c. water
1-2T lemon juice
1-2 t. salt
2-3T Nutritional Yeast
1 t. minced garlic
Add all to food processor and blend until smooth.

Oops I forgot the slivered almonds, but no one missed them.