Vegan Mini Peach Cobbler

These little gems are simple to make and so yummy, they will be gone before you know it.

Vegan Mini Peach Cobbler
1 Can of peaches
1 C. Flour
1/2 C. Palm Sugar
2 t. Baking Powder
3/4 C. Almond Milk
1 Stick Vegan Butter
Cinnamon and Sugar for dusting

Preheat the oven to 350F.   Line your muffin tins with a bit of butter or muffin cups.  Combine flour, baking powder, sugar and milk.  Put 2 T of batter in each tin and then top with peaches.  Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.  Bake for 12-14 minutes, until done.  Let cool before removing from pan.  Enjoy!

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