Vegan Soda Blondies

Dessert made with soda?  I have seen it circling around the web but never had a reason to make it.  Well, a reason came up last weekend and I figured I would give it a go.  I bought a cake mix and some soda and decided to put the experiment into action.

I topped them with some almond ice cream and peaches.  They tasted more like a brownie than a cake, very gooey and moist.  So I am calling them soda blondies instead of soda cake.  

Vegan Soda Blondies
1 box of Cake Mix 
1 can of Izze Soda

Combine the ingredients and pour into a well greased pan (I used vegan butter).  Bake for 25-30 minutes at 350F, or until done.  Let cool.

I also tried a chocolate version with club soda and my own cake mix.  You can see it here.